The presentation was made at the awards dinner before family, friends and the school community at Knowlton Mansion on March 24, 2015.
Mr. Di Benedetto transformed the ten acre campus with design and construction management services of a new Student Dining Hall, 5th & 6th grade classroom building, new Library, new S.T.E.M. Lab, Pre-School building and new Chapel. A new Science building is scheduled for completion during the summer of 2016.
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John J. Di Benedetto Associates, Architects Inc. is proud to announce that they have received three design awards for the Ancillae Assumpta Academy Pre-School addition & alterations for the Stepping Stones building.
The awards include an award of Merit from the PA Council of the Society of American Registered Architects Professional Design Awards Program in 2012; A First Place award from the Atas International Design Awards Program in 2012; A Chairman’s award in 2013 from the Metal Construction Association.
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Downingtown PA

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John J. Di Benedetto Associates, Inc. is pleased to announce their design for the new Dougherty residence in Philadelphia has received the First Finish Award from the Interior Finish Contractors Association for Residential design in 2004. This award is the highest level award the organization assigns for residential work.
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John J. Di Benedetto Associates, Inc. is pleased to announce their design for the new Ferraro residence in Fort Washington has received the First Finish Award from the Interior Finish Contractors Association for Residential design in 2003. This award is the highest level award the organization assigns for residential work.
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John J. Di Benedetto Associates, Inc. is pleased to announce their design for the new McElwee residence in Ardmore has received the First Finish Award from the Interior Finish Contractors Association for Residential design in 2002. This award is the highest level award the organization assigns for residential work.