The presentation was made at the awards dinner before family, friends and the school community at Knowlton Mansion on March 24, 2015.
Mr. Di Benedetto transformed the ten acre campus with design and construction management services of a new Student Dining Hall, 5th & 6th grade classroom building, new Library, new S.T.E.M. Lab, Pre-School building and new Chapel. A new Science building is scheduled for completion in the spring of 2020.
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Presenting the award is Atas Owners Jim and Dick Buss, along with the Atas mascot.
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The Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) honors its members for extraordinary service to the Society and the Architecture Profession with its highest award, the Gold Medal. This award is not given annually, but for special occasions.
At the 2012 annual conference in St. Louis, MO, the Society recognized John J. Di Benedetto, FARA with this prestigious honor. Mr. Di Benedetto was lauded as an integral member of the Society’s National Board, Chairman of numerous Committees, and for initiating the re-emergence of the Pennsylvania Council that has grown into one of the more successful Councils.
Mr. Di Benedetto accepted the Gold Medal with a great deal of respect for the award and the Society, citing the influence of previous recipients who inspire his work and commitment to SARA.
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At the 2012 annual conference in St. Louis, MO, the Society recognized John J. Di Benedetto, FARA with this prestigious honor. Mr. Di Benedetto was lauded as an integral member of the Society’s National Board, Chairman of numerous Committees, and for initiating the re-emergence of the Pennsylvania Council that has grown into one of the more successful Councils.
Mr. Di Benedetto accepted the Gold Medal with a great deal of respect for the award and the Society, citing the influence of previous recipients who inspire his work and commitment to SARA.
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The awards include an award of Merit from the PA Council of the Society of American Registered Architects Professional Design Awards Program in 2012;
A First Place award from the Atas International Design Awards Program in 2012; Chairman’s award in 2013 from the Metal Construction Association.
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John J. Di Benedetto Honored With Award Created in His Name
Receiving an award is, of course, an honor. Having an award created in your name, on the other hand, is an accolade on a whole different level. That high level of honor is exactly what was bestowed recently on architect John J. Di Benedetto at the 2010 annual year-end meeting of the PA Council of the Society of American Registered Architects (SARA).
The organization announced it has named its highest award for recognition of distinguished service to SARA-PA Council “The John J. Di Benedetto Service Award”.
“John is responsible for the restarting of the defunct Pennsylvania chapter of SARA in 2002, served as our first council president, and council treasurer and as chairman of several committees since 2002,” said Rhett Jones, SARA-PA Council president in announcing the new award. “His vision, endless energy and service built the council into what it is today – a robust and thriving organization.”
Di Benedetto himself was on hand to present the new award to the first recipients, Orsi E. Baller and Melissa Dzielak of RHJ Associates in recognition of their work for SARA-PA Council.
“I feel both proud and humbled that the Council has chosen to recognize my service by creating this award in my name,” said Di Benedetto. “It has been my pleasure and my honor to be an integral part of this organization, and I look forward to serving in whatever capacity I can for years to come.”
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John J. Di Benedetto, FARA, a fellow in the Society of American Registered Architects (SARA), a prominent area architect and past president of the Pennsylvania Council of SARA, presented a lecture on the development of the East Oak Lane section of Philadelphia, before a full house at the historic Korean United church at the corner of 12th Street and Cheltenham Avenue in Oak Lane. Mr. Di Benedetto did extensive research about the area and the history of the many distinguished homes and other buildings in the area and wrote a book memorializing the results of his research.
Mr. Di Benedetto has contributed to the architectural landscape of the area with the design of many significant structures.
The book, until now relegated to the dustbin of history, was discovered and resurrected by the Friends of Oak Lane Library. The presentation, accompanied by extensive photographs from the book, demonstrated Mr. Di Benedetto’s extensive knowledge and love for the history of this area.