Ancillae Assumpta Academy Chapel Alterations

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Mikva, a Ritualistic Bath House for Hasidic Women: a 1,500 sf, one story structure used for ceremonial bath rituals and a lecture hall, Philadelphia, PA. |
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St. Joseph’s Church and School: Renovations and expansion of church sanctuary, two-story school addition for gymnasium and classrooms, Cheltenham, PA. |
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Dale United Methodist Church
Dale United Methodist Church is a revered ministry that has served the Middletown Delaware community for the better part of the twentieth century and is expanding it's ministry and programs to better serve a growing community. The existing church structure that houses 120 congregants will be demolished and the site will be used for parking. On an adjacent larger site across the street, JDBA designed a new church structure that will be built with a new sanctuary for 330 congregants, offices and Library on the main level and a social hall with commercial kitchen and Day care facilities on the lower level. The new two story structure will be a total of 11,400 square feet. |